Topical Issues

For the Mothers

Those who find it easy; and those who don’t.

Those who stay at home; and those who go to work.

The marathon-running moms; and the Netflix binge watching moms.

Those who breast fed; who bottle fed; who did whatever it took.

Those who went home with their baby; and those who are NICU veterans.

Those with 1 child; those with more.

The “boy moms”; the “girl moms”.

Those who planned; and those who didn’t.

Those who do it alone; and those who have a village.

The leggings and mom-bun moms; and the perfectly put together moms.

Those with “textbook” kids; and those with “atypical” kids.

The “soccer moms”; the “helicopter moms” and every mom in between.

The organic, home-made, free range moms; and the chicken nuggets and coco-pops moms.

The moms who gather to drink kombucha; and those who gather to drink wine.

The colour-coded schedule moms; and the ‘let’s see where the day takes us’ moms.

The moms who bake the cakes; and those who order out.

The play-dough, finger painting and glitter moms; and the moms with white furniture that is still pristine.

Those with hard-fought for babies; with rainbow babies and with babies in their hearts who didn’t stay, but are never forgotten.

In whatever way you are a mother – Happy Mother’s Day – celebrate yourself.

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